(Not)Sir David Attenborough V.O. for MTB Earth Parody

Impressionist Ed Kelly, the highly acclaimed voice actor recently was asked to replicate Sir David for a satirical mountain biking video “Trail Builder vs Trail Poacher MTB Earth.” In the video, Ed channels his inner David Attenborough as he narrates the story of a bicyclist who uses trails that are still under construction, much to the dismay of the trail builders.

Ed’s performance adds a level of absurdity and levity to the video, making it a must-watch for mountain biking enthusiasts and comedy fans alike. His impressive range as a voice actor is once again on display as he flawlessly captures Attenborough’s distinct voice and mannerisms.

“Trail Builder vs Trail Poacher MTB Earth” is just one of the many projects that Ed Kelly has worked on in his long and successful career. His dedication to his craft and strong work ethic make him a valuable asset to any project.